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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thanks from Sabra

Dear St. Stephen's family,

To all the cooks, delivery persons, wait staff....and I do mean wait..... Set up crew, clean up crew, the on the field spotters, underwriting angels and the people in their lives who put up with yet another fundraiser or call for help this summer and all the people who offered a prayer for us.... Thank You.

We earned another $1000.00 dollars for our efforts to feed the balloonists and their sponsors this year. Unlike last years washout, the balloon's flew this yesterday....and we waited to serve our meal after the crews returned to Pittsfield. We served our first meal at 7:35 PM and our last at 10:30 PM. We certainly had a tired but dedicated clean up crew who just wanted to go home but did the job right...before heading out.

A special "Thanks" to Joe Knox who long ago taught me that the way to do a "Turkey Dinner" for a crowd was to have the meat cooked and sliced, placed in roasters to warm with the juices.... We got rave reviews again. Also a special Thanks to Marion who made 10 pans of stuffing....and doesn't want to see bread until after Thanksgiving.

We distributed the left over turkey and small amounts of the remaining salads ( they were the big hit this year) after church today..... and hoped that everyone who took some of remaining baskets of bread, quail (turkey), etc. enjoys the fruits of our labor....how the Rotary Club manages to schedule the balloon week-end to coincide with the scriptures of feeding the many through faith in God is a mystery( they could be a week off once in a while) ..... and a pretty great way for Curtis to highlight his sermon again during the announcements.

Again thank you to all, including our summer family, and new family members as well as "the old hands " who make the little Church with the big heart , an active force in the communities we live in and serve.

Blessings for you and those you love,
