Pentecost Sunday, 150th Anniversary Celebration, Reception and Luncheon

The processional.

Bishop Rob Hirschfeld invites confirmands and those being received to gather at the altar rail.

Fr. Curtis presents the bishop with a gift--a cushion for the episcopal chair.

Bishop Rob blesses Fr. Curtis's new stole.

The recessional.

The congregation proceeds to the tents and undercroft for the reception and luncheon, and to greet friends and former rectors (The Rev. Harold Beliveau and The Rev. Kevin Nichols) who attended.

Pinwheels decorated the path.

The bishop greets a long-time acquaintance from Connecticut.

Fr. Curtis, the Camerons, and Barbara.

George and Nina.

Diners in the Undercroft.


Joe, Fr. Curtis, Bishop Rob

The 150th Anniversary cake featured our rose window!