In This Time of Remembrance

Thanks to all who helped and worked so hard on the set-up, sales, raffle, cooking, and money-counting for Old Home Day. It was a highly successful fundraiser.
Thanks for all the busy hands this morning clearing up and preparing for the events in the days ahead as we reach out to the Hetu family and Elvia's many friends.
And thanks to Rev. Karen Maleri for her sensitive care of us and her perfectly-pitched preaching in this time of grief for our parish family.
For those wishing to pay their respects to Elvia Hetu and her family, calling hours will take place at the Perkins and Pollard Funeral Home on Main Street in Pittsfield, from 2-4 and 7-9 on Monday, 21 July. The St. Stephen's community will provide a dinner for the family--with ice cream, because Elvia loved it so much.
The funeral will be 10 AM, Tuesday, 22 July at St. Stephen's, with Fr. John Allen and Fr. Kevin Nichols officiating.
The family asks that memorial donations to St. Stephen's go to our Outreach Fund, so Elvia's legacy of helping and serving will continue.
In a message to parishioners, Sabra said, "We dedicated our efforts yesterday at the OHD fair to Elvia's spirit.....and placed a memorial to her on our bake table where her pies, cookies and lemon squares were for sale. She had them ready and her son, Bob, and her daughter, Jan brought them Friday evening."
The front-page Concord Monitor story about Elvia can be found here.