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Sunday, April 12, 2009


A sunny, breezy Easter Day in Pittsfield. St. Stephen's was packed with parishioners, their family members, friends and visitors.

Rich Corning piped us in to worship.

Spring flowers decorate the altar.

Lighting the Paschal candle.

Bishop Robinson

The Bishop's sermon on the Resurrection. He reminded us not merely to be admirers of Jesus, but to be followers of the Risen Christ.

The choir sings the last of several magnificent anthems.

We enjoyed a delicious feast in the Undercroft after the service.

Our Bishop and our Rector.

A blessed Eastertide to all!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

Blessing of the Palms

Procession of the Palms from the Undercroft to the church door. (Last year we had snow everywhere...this year we have a nice new walkway!)

Choir members bring up the rear.

The altar.

Supplies for next Sunday, and for Outreach distribution to local towns.