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Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Cross Installation

Our new cross, constructed by George Booth and Chris Noyes and painted by Fayth Noyes, was blessed last October by Bishop Robinson.

After spending many months in the Undercroft awaiting installation, it's now on top of the church!

The bucket truck, early this morning.

In the bucket.

Securing the cross.


Many thanks to Daniel Welch for the action photos!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blue Jeans Sunday

Spring clean-up day, indoors

and out!

Sabra also gave a flower-arranging lesson for those who were interested.

Friday, May 1, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu information

Information provided by the NH Council of Churches.

Church Activity:

For a copy of the 28 page booklet "Pandemic Influenza Planning for Parishes" (created for Episcopal parishes and the Avian Flu but applies for all houses of worship and the swine flu) go to: Pandemic Influenza Planning for Parishes.

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services:

Human cases of an influenza A (H1N1) virus infection that has a swine component have been identified in the United States. Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection also have been identified internationally. An investigation and response effort surrounding the outbreak of swine flu is ongoing on the national level and here in New Hampshire. The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu in humans and may include:

Fever (greater than 100°F)
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Headache and body aches

Some of the people who have become ill with swine flu reported diarrhea and vomiting as well. Severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported as well.

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is working very closely with all our State partners as well as with health officials in at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and officials in other states to monitor and respond to this outbreak of illness. The DHHS Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) is performing active surveillance for any potential cases. DHHS will keep the public updated with information as it becomes available because this is a constantly changing situation.

This illness is spread from person to person and there is no risk of contracting this flu virus by eating pork. There are, however, some basic precautions that everyone should be taking to prevent becoming ill or spreading illnesses, not just swine flu are:


DHHS Swine Flu line open during business hours for questions:
Public Inquiry Line
8:00 AM-8:00 PM

Common questions from callers:

Pets: It does not appear that Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu puts our household pets at risk.

Vaccine: There is not a vaccine for Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu, however, its in development.

For further information go to
NH Dept. of Health & Human Services
Offers variousu resources, up-to-date information, and links to other sources of information, Fact Sheet, FAQ's, etc.

Centers for Disease Control

World Health Organization.