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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve Service

Where charity stands watching, and faith holds wide the door,

The dark night wakes, the glory breaks,

and Christmas comes once more.

The front of the church was decorated with the traditional poinsettias.

The arrangement on the organ.

Katie and Keith, our musicians, confer before the Carol Sing.

Lighting the Christmas candle.

Another tradition, lowering the lights and singing a stanza of Silent Night, Holy Night

The choir performs an energetic finale.

The babe is lying in the manger.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Pageant

On a snowy Sunday, the congregation assembled to appear in or witness our Christmas pageant.

The wardrobe requirements are significant.

Down in the Undercroft, the Rector/Producer/Narrator prepares the cast.

Joseph checks out dad's video.

This Wise Man is ready with his gift.

A shepherd waits.

Our littlest shepherd.

Another Wise Man in costume.

This Wise Man brought his brown dog along.

The innkeeper and his wife.

The cast assembles in the foyer.

Elizabeth learns that she'll be the mother of John the Baptist.

Zechariah praises God.

The Angel visits Mary to tell her the glad tidings.

The Angel tells Joseph to stand by Mary.

Mary and the infant Jesus.

Shepherds and an angel come to see the baby.

The innkeeper pats Mary & Joseph's camel.

Wise Man bearing a gift for the baby.

Wise Man singing "We Three Kings."

A group shot.

Thanks to all who prepared for and participated in this momentous production!