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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Day

Our traditional decorations are the flowering spring bulbs given in memory, in honor, and for thanksgiving of parishioners' family members and friends.

Flowers were blooming outside the church as well as inside!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday with the Bishop

We were delighted to have a visitation from the Bishop on this Palm Sunday.

Blessing of the Palms.

After the Bishop's homily we had a group reading of the Story of the Passion, in which many parishioners participated.

Nine individuals were confirmed or received into the Episcopal church today. Welcome and congratulations to Wes & Katie, Joe & Rita & Ben, Fayth, Carole, Steve & Tanisha.

The recessional.

A reception took place in the Undercroft after the service. Baby James was a popular attendee.

We all know Fr. Curtis likes giving fun and silly presents...he gave the Bishop something that amused us all.

A purple Episco-pillow!

Thanks to everyone who provided food and drink and fun and fellowship as we enter this Holy Week.